Course overview
f you’re hoping to secure a management-level position in your career, it’s vital to acquire effective leadership skills in order to cope with the demands of the job - and this management and leadership course can help you do just that.
This course will help you recognise different learning styles and personality profiles, as well as allowing you to obtain effective management skills such as communication, change management and handling conflict. This course is ideal for those hoping to progress in their current place of work and looking to acquire a team of their own. Participants will leave with a broader understanding of the functions of management.
Who should attend
This course is designed to give delegates the practical skills required to manage people effectively. You will benefit from developing your knowledge in the latest managerial trends. It is ideal for those already in management positions who wish to enhance their skills as well as new or aspiring managers
OSME certificate will be issued to all participants on completion of this course. In addition, you will receive a certificate confirming the number of CPD hours achieved for this course.
Entry requirement
Fluency in English
A good undergraduate degree or significant work experience in a relevant role
Minimum two years’ professional experience, typically our participants have more than ten years’ work experience.
Duration of course
The qualification is designed to be delivered over eight weeks for full-time study, but it is also flexible in its delivery in order to accommodate part-time and distance learning.
The qualification is delivered face-to-face, through lectures, tutorials, seminars, distance and online.
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Learning outcome
Have a clear idea of what leadership means, to you and others
Understand the Aspire 5 Powers of Leadership model and how to apply it
Appreciate your own leadership style, qualities and strengths
Understand the need for flexibility in leadership and how to achieve it
Know how to define and communicate an inspiring vision
Understand how to use your leadership skills to influence, motivate, inspire and challenge others
Know how to network and influence those around you to achieve your vision
Course structure
Defining Leadership
The Aspire 5 Powers Model
Your Leadership Role and Vision
Different Leadership Styles
You as a Leader
Transformational and Transactional Leadership
Leadership Behaviours
Emotional Intelligence
Study Module: Full/Part Time
Course Length: 8 weeks/12 weeks
Course fees: UK/EU £2,200
International £4,500
Terms Start Date: Jan/Apr/Jul/Sep
Age group: 18 year +
Application route:
Accredited: CPD
Employment & Further studies